Curriculum Vitae

Personal Informations

My name is Leonardo and my surname is Lavagna. I was born in Cagliari and I live in Rome. I’m a matematician specialized in data science, with working experience in the fields of bioinformatics, statistics, machine learning and affine areas. Currently I’m pursuing a PhD in quantum computing a Sapienza University of Rome in the NESYA multidisciplinary lab in the Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIET).

Working Experience

I have worked as Data Analyst and Researcher in consulting firms active in the field of biotechnologies, chemistry and related fields. I’ve some experience as a developer (also with cloud technologies) and occasionally I’ve worked as a consultant in the field of cybersecurity.


My education started with a degree in Pure Mathematics, then I specialized in Data Science and now I’m doing research in the field of Quantum Computing.

Foreign Languages

My motherlanguage is Italian, I am fluent in English, and I have a basic knowledge of German. Currently I’m studying Chinese and trying to remember the Franch I’ve learnt in school.

Information Technologies

I have a working knowledge of Python, R, C, MatLab and affine languages, moreover I’m used to work with Mac OS X, Unix and Linux, as well as developing environments such as Anaconda. I have some experience working with SQL databases (MySQL) and with MongoDB, and with the Office suite for Mac. I have limited experience with the AWS cloud platform. I have a good understanding of Cryptograpy and Blockchain technologies, Protocols such as TCP/IP, LAN, etc…

Other Informations

I’ve studied piano and composition at Santa Cecilia conservatory of Rome. I’ve also playied tennis at a semi-professional level, but then I had to choose between my music passion, studying mathematics, and sports… music & math won, and fore some time I had the “pleasure” of being piano accompanist to some singers… Nonetheless I became a certified FIT tennis teacher and sports director. I’m also a certified Rescue Padi Diver, and I enjoy the occasional Dive. More importantly, I like the occasional sail.

During the years I have done miscellaneous jobs related to these passions of mine: from sailing teacher at the very nice and original Mal di Mare sailing school, to tennis teacher with the ASD D’Innocenzo Tennis Team in Rome. I like excursionism, if bossible with my bike. I’m a good chess player, where good means that I can beat most of my friends, but I loose to $\sim 1800$ Elo players online. Ah, I also have a passion for “ugly” postcards, and I collect them.